The People’s Redistricting Alliance
2021 Public Map Submissions
to the California Citizens Redistricting Commission
and Orange County Board of Supervisors
A multiracial coalition of community-based organizations (CBOs) and residents based in Orange County, the People’s Redistricting Alliance (PRA) was established in early 2021 to ensure a community voice in statewide and local redistricting processes. Centering the lived experiences and needs of low-income communities of color and working families, the PRA has pursued maps and other redistricting outcomes that maximize opportunities for year-round organizing and policy advocacy, working toward an Orange County that treats everyone equitably and with justice.
Submitted by the People’s Redistricting Alliance (PRA) with assistance from the Orange County Civic Engagement Table (OCCET)
Statewide Maps Submitted to the California Citizens Redistricting Commission on October 11, 2021
County Map Submitted to the Orange County Board of Supervisors on October 15, 2021
This PRA Orange County Board of Supervisors plan was submitted to the Board and county redistricting staff via ESRI redistricting software as ‘PRA 21 OCBOS PLAN 211015’ and electronically to redistricting@ocgov.com as ‘PRA_21OCBOS_PLAN_211015.zip’, including a comprehensive PDF narrative, block equivalency file, and ESRI shapefile.
Communities of Interest
On April 31, May 11, and June 9 of this year, PRA member organizations met to identify communities of interest and their alignment across cities in Orange County. These communities of interest have been shared with the Board and county redistricting staff in testimony provided during public workshops and meetings between August 3 and August 12 of this year and are included in Appendix A of this document.

California State Assembly Plan
The PRA’s California State Assembly plan for Orange County centers federal Voting Rights Act compliance and communities of interest that reflect the needs of the county’s most impacted residents. With districts drawn to population equality requirements, the plan also respects other redistricting criteria established under Proposition 11, such as contiguity, maintaining the integrity of city and county boundaries, and compactness when not conflicting with core principles. To ensure its viability as part of a statewide map, it was also coordinated and aligned with plans submitted by statewide and regional partners. [View Plan]

California State Senate Plan
The PRA’s California State Senate plan for Orange County centers federal Voting Rights Act compliance and communities of interest that reflect the needs of the county’s most impacted residents. With districts drawn to population equality requirements, the plan also respects other redistricting criteria established under Proposition 11, such as contiguity, maintaining the integrity of city and county boundaries, and compactness when not conflicting with core principles. [View Plan]

United States Congressional Plan
The PRA’s United States Congressional plan for Orange County centers federal Voting Rights Act compliance and communities of interest that reflect the needs of the county’s most impacted residents. With districts drawn to population equality requirements, the plan also respects other redistricting criteria established under Proposition 11, such as contiguity, maintaining the integrity of city and county boundaries, and compactness when not conflicting with core principles. To ensure its viability as part of a statewide map, it was also coordinated and aligned with plans submitted by statewide and regional partners. [View Plan]

The PRA’s Orange County Board of Supervisors plan centers federal Voting Rights Act compliance and communities of interest that reflect the needs of the county’s most impacted residents. With districts drawn to established population equality requirements, the plan also respects other redistricting criteria established under state law, such as contiguity, maintaining the integrity of city boundaries, and compactness when not conflicting with core principles. [View Plan]