Community Action for an Orange County with Just Districts

Let’s make our voices heard in Redistricting the Orange County Board of Supervisors Districts

Redistricting is a process that takes place once every decade to redraw maps used to elect public officials. The way district lines are drawn will not only impact who communities have the power to elect, but ultimately our ability to shape the local policies that affect our everyday lives for years to come. Come November the Orange County Board of Supervisors will decide what our districts look like. In the previous redistricting cycle, and to the detriment of our communities, the supervisors drew maps to ensure their reelection and partisan control of the Board. This cycle, we cannot let that happen!

The People’s Redistricting Alliance of Orange County (PRA), a multiracial coalition of community-based organizations and residents, has drawn a map that centers the lived experiences and needs of our most vulnerable communities who have been historically marginalized by local government. With our map, we will empower low-income communities and working families, and maximize opportunities for year-round organizing, policy advocacy, and narrative shifts that advance the progressive transformation of Orange County.

Support the People’s Redistricting Alliance map by following these easy steps to submit a public comment to the Board of Supervisors:

  1. E-mail and
  2. Copy and paste the sample language into your email, and make sure to add your name and city to the paragraph:
    (Please feel free to add language about community issues and histories (in personal stories, if possible) that help demonstrate the importance of having elected officials who understand and respond to community needs. Share stories and data about community concerns to show how you feel your voices have been heard, or haven’t been heard.)
  3. Send email by Tuesday, November 9th

(The above link will load your default email program pre-filled with the mailto, subject and email body)

Email Body Sample Language

RE: Comments for Agenda Item 1 – YES to Proposal 5

My name is _ and I am a resident of _. I strongly support Proposal 5 and could support proposal 5A.

These are the only maps that have made communities of interest the top priority when drawing lines, and taken in the important testimonies of residents from communities that have been historically marginalized by the County.

I oppose the other proposals that unnecessarily split up many communities of interest. Proposal 2A splits up Asian American communities of interest in Irvine twice. Proposals 4C and 5B also divide Asian American communities in Irvine. Proposals 4A, 4C, and 5B splits both Irvine and Costa Mesa. Proposals 2A, 4A, and 4B draw South Fullerton and West Anaheim into the same district as Yorba Linda and the Anaheim Hills, affluent areas with different needs. Proposals 2 and 2A isolate Latinx communities in Buena Park, south Fullerton, east Garden Grove, and Tustin rather than draw them together with similar Latinx communities nearby. Proposals 4, 4A, and 4B isolate Latinx communities in east Garden Grove.

Please support Proposals 5 or 5A.

Thank you.

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